Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cuckoo For Caca

It's cold and it's smooth
and it's A hard shade of white

And everybody needs to lick the surface clean

And it never tastes better
It never tastes better

White blooms to white and freezes white again
Close it before something crawls in

Commit it, leave it, get away

we always Drop our good side
 Being good gets you stuff

Being stuff gets you good
Good stuff gets you being
And wheelin' and dealin' and squealin'

Shit lives forever
'Cause shit lives forever

 Song Meanings >> Faith No More Cuckoo For Caca Lyrics

What is Caca?

The Meaning of CACA CACA means "Crap, s**t, pooh" So now you know - CACA means "Crap, s**t, pooh" - don't thank us. >> The slang word / acronym / abbreviation CACA